Wireless Internet Access in guest rooms
Luggage storage
Number of meeting rooms -
Wheelchair-accessible fitness center
Pool (Number of Outdoor)
Snack bar/deli
Self parking - uncovered
In-room accessibility (in select rooms)
LED light bulbs
Express check-out
Visual alarms in hallways
Wheelchair-accessible registration desk
Roll-in shower (in select rooms)
Wheelchair-accessible van parking
Wheelchair-accessible spa
Wheelchair accessible path of travel
Wheelchair-accessible concierge desk
Wheelchair-accessible path to elevator
Wheelchair-accessible meeting spaces/business center
Elevator door width (centimeters) -
Accessible bathroom (in select rooms)
Wheelchair-accessible public washroom
Wheelchair-accessible pool
LED light bulbs
Handrails in stairways
Pool umbrellas
Wheelchair-accessible lounge
Laundry/ Dry Cleaning Service
Smoke-free property
Wheelchairs available on site
Coffee/tea in common areas
Wheelchair-accessible on-site restaurant
Wheelchair accessible no
Television in common areas
Evening entertainment
Wheelchair accessible parking
Wheelchair accessible (may have limitations)
24 Hour Front Desk
Health Spa/Massage
Pool (Number of Outdoor)
Covered parking
Conference center
Health Spa/Massage
Airport shuttle
Express check-in
Airport Shuttle
Well-lit path to entrance
Stair-free path to entrance
Tours/ticket assistance
Pool sun loungers
Safe-deposit box at front desk
Grey water recycling system
Front entrance ramp
Elevator door width (inches) -